Woot.com is an online store that sells anything you could imagine for really cheap prices. It features only 1 item every 24 hours and switches every night exactly at 10 pm PST. Because there is limited inventory, some items can go as quickly as 5 minutes leaving you waiting until the following night for a new product to launch.
About every month, Woot.com has a Woot-Off that rotates items throughout the day as they are sold out. The Woot-Off stops when an item sits for 12-hours- typically the Woot-off can go from 24-72 hours nonstop!
If you havent checked it out already, today would be a good day to become a Wooter. BUT beware, it is addicting! I went through a phase last year around this time where I bought a toaster, portable DVD player, watch, air freshener, USB, walkie talkies, MP3 player, alarm clock and many other gadgets that have been lost in my closet. Also, if you are a wino, check out Wine Woot.