Greetings from Piemonte!! The weather is glorious and the fields and vineyards are rich with fruit. Many things are happening in the Langhe this summer and fall. Restoration at the Monastero di Cherasco is continuing, and most of the exterior work is nearing completion. The crew will have an Italian August holiday and will return in September to continue working the interiors. We again appreciate everyones patience in this very time-loving project. We find it more entertaining than aggravating, and admire and respect the passionate expertise that is being utilized in this project.

We have the pleasure of being able to invite everyone to a special Italian evening of food, wine, friends, and conversation about the Monastero di Cherasco, on August 8th and 9th. Chef Francesco Volpe, from Milano, Italy is flying over to Fall City, Washington, to compose a dramatic 5 course dinner. The dinner is being presented at the home of Maria and Kevin Downey. Their home will be transformed into an elegant dining room/kitchen with white tablecloths and sparkling glasses to become the Dirt Road Dining venue. Kevin coined the Dirt Road Dining name because of his many wanderings through the Italian countryside looking for, that little Ristorante. Driving down dirt roads to the point of giving up, the sight of a little dimly lit house would appear. Walking through the front door he would be greeted by a lovely dining room, gracious hosts, and delicious aromas. The multi-course dinner will benefit charity, and Maria and Kevin are requesting a minimum of $100/person , which will be forwarded 100% to the organization. Thank you Maria and Kevin for opening your home, and for giving Monastero di Cherasco the opportunity to gather and enjoy Italian food and wine in a marvelous setting.

If you are interested, please contact

Upcoming Events in Piemonte:

18-27 July- Festa Patronale di S. Bonaventura
A week of Festivities in Montelupo Albese
Markets, food, music in Montelupo

19-28 July- Festa Patronale di SaintAnna in Castiglione Falletto
A week of folklore, wine, gastronomy, theatre, and music.

June 6th-August 2nd Monforte dAlba Jazz Festival
The annual Monforte Jazz Festival takes place in the hilltop outdoor ampitheatre. A beautiful location. for schedule.

July 18-August 3rd-Alba Summer Music Festival
The Alba Music Festival stages concerts in the most prestigious places in Alba, including dozens of majestic castles and intimate churches that are the heart of the regions uniqueness. A spectacular journey in a thousand-year-old framework, the Festival is host to a magical meeting between rich history, stirring scenery, and music, Making Musica Bella .

October 4th-November 9th The White Truffle Fair
The annual festival of the White Truffle in the Centro Storico in Alba. Truffle Auction, Market, and fair. Music, food, folklore.

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