Old Spaghetti Factory on Seattle Waterfront Sold

Developers Nitze-Stagen and Meriwether Partners, have bought the Old Spaghetti Factory building and adjacent parking lot for $9 million.

Located in a prime area down on the Seattle Waterfront in Belltown, it was only a matter of time before the historictwo-story brick warehouse caught eyes of developers.

Nitze-Stagen and Meriwether Partnershavent said yet what theyre planning to do with the space, however for now, the 45-year Old Spaghetti Factory will continue to remain open. The areas currentzoning allows for up to a 65-foot-high building, however the former Ainsworth & Dunn Warehouse, build in 1902, is part of the Seattle Landmarks and Preservationregistry, so the building will be preserved in some way.

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